Sri Prabir Roy of SCI accompanied by his spouse Shipra Roy and Sri RP Chakravarty of India Chapter accompanied by his wife Jayasree visited Vivekananda Seva Samity, Hijaldaha, Bankura where SCI donated to bring up orphan children with their day-to-day expenses at hostel. Prabir Roy discussed with the secretary of the organization on the fund utilization and future need.

Street Children International, USA takes over 5 destitute children of Behala Boodhayan. SCI Members Swades Basu, Maya Sarkar, Bharati Chandra, Anil Chandra and RP Chakravarty visited Behala Bodhayan on 4th January, 2011 and went through the day-to-day activities of the organization. Later, Bharati Chandra, the treasurer SCI handed over a Check of USD4666 to SS GHosh, the President of Behala Bodhayan towards bringing up 5 destitute children in next one year.

It was on 8th March, 2010 when our honorable member Swades Bose accompanied by RP Chakravarty visited Behala Bodhayan, an organization takes cares of mentally retarded destitute and other children in Behala, Kolkata. Sri Bose interacted with the governing body, the beneficiary parents, faculties and the children. They spend few hours with them experiencing the live activities, teaching process and day-today care.