Our Current Projects :
SCI launched its first operation, Project Calcutta, in 1990 with the help of the Ramkrishna Vivekananda Institute in Barackpore, near Calcutta, an organization well-known for its varied welfare programs serving destitute women and children. RVI helped pick 12 children off the streets for shelter, food, and schooling, and for vocational training that would enable these youngsters to support themselves fully by age 18.
Unfortunately, our funds were not sufficient for a massive operation of this kind.
Therefore, SCI has adopted a flexible, multipronged approach to the rehabilitation of destitute children, stretching its limited resources to help as many destitute children as possible. The operation of pavement schools is one type of approach towards empowering destitute children – providing basic education as tools for survival. The concept is simple – if street children will not go to school, bring the school over to them. Six makeshift schools have now sprung up in some slum areas of Calcutta where unemployed college graduates, at very modest salaries, teach some 200 children reading, writing and arithmetic. Destitute women are hired to provide assistance. Children also receive a carefully planned snack at the end of classes, aimed to provide as much nutrition as possible to these severely malnourished children. Also, whenever feasible, SCI throws its support to existing programs of other organizations that it finds are running well, instead of launching far-flung operations of our own.
SCI has been providing financial support to the following organizations :

Ramkrishna Vivekananda Mission
7 Riverside Road
Barrackpore - 743 101
24 Parganas (North)
West Bengal, India
Contact person : Swami Nityananda, Swami Nityarupananda
Email :
Remark : Runs 6 Pavement schools, sponsors children upto 18 years.
Sarada Kalyan Bhandar
Sector- F/1, Saratpally
P.O.- Midnapore
Dist. - Pashchim Medinipur
Pin - 721 101
West Bengal, India
Contact person : Rekha Sarkar
Email :
Remark : Sponsors 10 children.

Rotary Club of Kolkata Ridge
272/1, Bagbazar Street
Kolkata- 700 003
West Bengal, India
Contact person : Biswajit Saha
Remark : Naktola School, Antyordyoy Surjo Sangha, Baruipur Paruldaha Vivekananda School, Baruipur
Hijaldiha Vivekananda Samity
Pin - 722 138
West Bengal, India

Swa Samriddhi
1B- 126, Sector-III
Saltlake City
Kolkata - 700 106
West Bengal, India
Purbosree Mahila Samiti
K - 2019 Chittaranjan Park
New Delhi- 110 019

Schools in New Orleans, Louisiana:
7211, West Haven Road
New Orleans
LA- 70126, USA
Contact person : Jayasri Sarkar
Remark : Schools that provide necessities such as clothing and food and also Christmas gifts to needy children – under the auspices of our local chapter.
Behala Bodhayan
48/3 Sarsuna Main Road
Kolkata - 700 061, India
Contact person : Mr. Sasanka Ghosh
e-mail :
Remark : Organization working for the mentally retarded destitute children inclduing boarding, Lodging, healthcare and education